01. Sort Of A Track
02. Cold Winds Blues
03. Mind On A Hunt
04. Quick Message, Slow Mode
05. Bones
06. Before I Start
07. I Beg To Differ
08. The Hitchhiker
09. Soaring Dragon Punch
10. Capitulate
11. Science Squadron Dynaman Feat. Nikola Sarcevic (Millencolin)
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Betterman - Panta Rhei

01. Chronos is never late
02. Through these ears
03. Unsimulated acts
04. It's not cool being ironic...
05. I think, therefore I suffer
06. What breaks a heart
07. Sisyphus' boulder
08. Every day smells like rain
09. Diagnosis: misanthropy
10. Wolf or sheep?
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Montese - Quando Me Encaro De Frente

01. Um Canto Aos Que Choram
02. Lembranças De Um Solstício
03. O Chá
04. Pilar
05. Lutar Contra Maré
06. Quadros E Verbos
07. Quando Me Encaro De Frente
08. Tão Sincero Quanto (Ou Perto Disso)
09. A Dor
10. Velho Mártir
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